Updated January 28, 2025
Georgia State University (GSU), Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology | Professor (August, 2021–present), Associate Professor (August, 2015–July, 2021), Assistant Professor (August, 2012–July, 2015)
GSU, Evidence-Based Cybersecurity Research Group | Associate Director (2020–present)
University of Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice | Assistant Professor (September, 2010–August, 2012)
Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime & Law Enforcement | Researcher (January, 2010–June, 2010), Visiting Researcher (June–August, 2011)
PhD, Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Missouri – St. Louis (UMSL), 2010
MA, Criminology & Criminal Justice, University of Missouri – St. Louis, 2007
BA (Magna Cum Laude, High Honors), Sociology, University of Georgia, 2005
BS (Magna Cum Laude, High Honors), Psychology, University of Georgia, 2005
CrimRxiv | Founder, Director (May, 2020–February, 2023), Associate Director for Sustainability (March, 2023–present)
Criminology Open | Founder and CEO (May, 2020–April, 2023)
CrimRxiv Consortium | Founder and Lead (October, 2023–present)
Jacques, Scott, and Philip Schofield (eds.). 2021. Jeremy Bentham on Police: The Unknown Story and What It Means for Criminology. UCL Press.
Jacques, Scott. 2019. Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. UCL Press.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2015. Code of the Suburb: Inside the World of Young Middle-Class Drug Dealers. University of Chicago Press.
Jacques, Scott, Valeriia Lymishchenko, Joshua Gerstenfeld, Chinweolu Okafor, and David Maimon (eds.). 2025. Illicit Markets on Encrypted Platforms. Preprint edition. doi.org/10.21428/4f70b367.30d871dd
Jacques, Scott (ed.). 2024. Open Access Reader. Preprint edition. doi.org/10.21428/93b40405.fd2836f0
Jacques, Scott, and Andrew Wheeler. Forthcoming. A plea for open access to qualitative criminology: With a Python script for anonymizing data and illustrative analysis of error rates. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology. (Preprint and postprint on CrimRxiv at doi.org/10.21428/cb6ab371.15d7c59e.)
Jacques, Scott. 2024. Final report for “A Plan to Automate the ‘Wallace Method’ and implement it across the university.” In Lessons for no-cost learning. https://doi.org/10.21428/558a702e.eb9e9bd1
Jacques, Scott. 2024. Curation Hubs: A description and explanation of an initiative to advance open criminology. CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.21428/cb6ab371.c42cac4f
Jacques, Scott. 2024. An analysis of Wiley’s green open access policy with respect to journals of the American Society of Criminology (ASC). CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.21428/cb6ab371.b8929691/7cc1f2de
Jacques, Scott. 2024. Introduction. In Open Access Reader. doi.org/10.21428/93b40405.652c4ceb
Jacques, Scott. 2023. Open access to journal articles of the American Society of Criminology: A little study to illustrate concepts and costs. CrimRxiv. doi.org/10.21428/cb6ab371.b8929691/7cc1f2de
Jacques, Scott, and Bruce Jacobs. 2023. Proterrence, Rule Illegitimacy, & The Ban on Tobacco Smoke in Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. European Journal of Criminology 20: 1430-1445.
Jacques, Scott. 2023. Ranking the Openness of Criminology Units: An Attempt to Incentivize the Use of Librarians, Institutional Repositories, and Unit-Dedicated Collections to Increase Scholarly Impact and Justice. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 39: 371-386.
Jacques, Scott, and Kim Moeller. 2022. Toleration by Victimized Coffeeshops in Amsterdam. Crime & Delinquency.
Wang, Fangzhou, Christian Howell, David Maimon, and Scott Jacques. 2022. The Restrictive Deterrent Effect of Warning Messages Sent to Active Romance Fraudsters: An Experimental Approach. International Journal of Cyber Criminology.
Jacques, Scott. 2021. The Story of Jeremy Bentham on Police: Bridging the Bentham Project to Criminology. In Jeremy Bentham on Police: The Unknown Story and What It Means for Criminology, eds. Scott Jacques and Philip Schofield. London, UK: UCL Press.
David Maimon, C. Jordan Howell, Scott Jacques, and Robert Perkins. 2020. Situational Awareness and Public Wi-Fi Users’ Self-Protective Behaviors. Security Journal.
Dickinson, Timothy, and Scott Jacques. 2020. Drug Control Policy, Normalization, and Symbolic Boundaries in Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. British Journal of Criminology.
Moeller, Kim, and Scott Jacques. 2020. Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops, Victimization, and Police Mobilization. Policing & Society.
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. 2020. "He Did that Because I was Black": Black College Students Perceive Municipal Police, Not Campus Police, as Discriminating. Deviant Behavior 41:29-40.
Topalli, Volkan, Timothy Dickinson, and Scott Jacques. 2020. Learning from Criminals: Active Offender Research for Criminology. Annual Review of Criminology 3:189-215.
Bonomo, Elizabeth, and Scott Jacques. 2019. Lost in the Park: Learning to Navigate the Unpredictability of Fieldwork. Chapter 2 in Ethnography Uncensored: Narratives of Research among Hidden Populations, eds. Rashi Shukla and Miriam Boeri. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Dickinson, Timothy, and Scott Jacques. 2019. Drug Sellers’ Neutralizations of Guiltless Drug Sales and Avoidance of “Drug Dealer” Identities. International Journal of Drug Policy 73:16-23.
Jacques, Scott. 2019. Which Source Possesses the Best Data on the Empirical Aspects of Criminal Events? A Theory of Opportunity and Necessary Conditions. Deviant Behavior 40:1543-1552.
Jacques, Scott. 2019. Bentham, Not Epicurus: The Relevance of Pleasure to Studies of Drug-Involved Pain. Journal of Drug Issues 49:118-138.
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. 2018. Pairing Fieldworkers with Patrol Officers: A Study of Supervising Officers’ Selections. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 12:219-230.
Jacques, Scott. 2017. What Criminals’ Tattoos Symbolize: Drawing on Darwin, Durkheim, and Lombroso. Deviant Behavior 37:1303-1317.
Lasky, Nicole, Bonnie Fisher, and Scott Jacques. 2017. “Thinking Thief” in the Crime Prevention Arms Race: Lessons Learned from Shoplifters. Security Journal 30:772-792.
Jacques, Scott. 2017. “A Run-In with the Cops is Really Few and Far Between”: Negative Evidence and Ethnographic Understanding of Racial Discrimination by Police. Sociological Focus 50:7-17.
Wright, Richard, Volkan Topalli, and Scott Jacques. 2017. Crime in Motion: Predation, Retaliation, and the Spread of Urban Violence. Chapter 6 in On Retaliation: Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition, eds. Bertram Turner and Günther Schlee. New York: Berghahn Books.
Jacques, Scott, Richard Rosenfeld, Richard Wright, and Frank van Gemert. 2016. Effects of Prohibition and Decriminalization on Drug Market Conflict: Comparing Street Dealers, Coffeeshops, and Cafés in Amsterdam. Criminology & Public Policy 15:843-875.
Rennison, Callie, Scott Jacques, and Andrea Allen. 2016. Victim Injury and Social Distance: A National Test of a General Principle of Conflict. Violence & Victims 31:726-751.
Jacques, Scott, and Elizabeth Bonomo. 2016. Learning from the Offenders’ Perspective on Crime Prevention. Chapter 2 in Crime Prevention in the 21st Century, eds. Benoit Leclerc and Ernesto U. Savona. New York: Springer.
Hogan, Charles, and Scott Jacques. 2015. Global Marijuana Cultivation and Societal Place Because and In Spite of American Policy and Perception. Chapter 3 in Handbook on Drugs and Society, ed. Henry Brownstein. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Copes, Heith, Scott Jacques, Andrew Hochstetler, and Timothy Dickinson. 2015. Interviewing Offenders: The Active vs. Inmate Debate. Chapter 11 in Routledge Handbook of Qualitative Criminology, eds. Heith Copes and J. Mitchell Miller. London, UK: Routledge.
Bernasco, Wim, and Scott Jacques. 2015. Where Do Dealers Solicit Customers and Sell Them Drugs? A Micro-Level Multiple Methods Study. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 31:376-408.
Jacques, Scott, Nicole Lasky, and Bonnie Fisher. 2015. Seeing the Offenders’ Perspective through the Eye-Tracking Device: Methodological Insights from a Study of Shoplifters. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 31:449-467.
Wright, Richard, Scott Jacques, and Michael Stein. 2015. Where Are We? Why Are We Here? Where Are We Going? How Do We Get There? The Future of Qualitative Research in American Criminology. Advances in Criminological Theory 20:339-350.
Topalli, Volkan, Scott Jacques, and Richard Wright. 2015. “It takes skills to take a car”: Perceptual and Procedural Expertise in Carjacking. Aggression & Violent Behavior 20:19-25.
Jacques, Scott, and Andrea Allen. 2015. Drug Market Violence: Virtual Anarchy, Police Pressure, Predation, and Retaliation. Criminal Justice Review 40:187-199.
Lindegaard, Marie Rosenkrantz, Wim Bernasco, and Scott Jacques. 2015. Consequences of Expected and Observed Victim Resistance for Offender Violence During Robbery Events. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency 52:32-61.
Lasky, Nicole, Scott Jacques, and Bonnie Fisher. 2015. Glossing Over Shoplifting: How Thieves Act Normal. Deviant Behavior 36:293-309.
Jacques, Scott. 2015. Guest Editor’s Introduction [to Special Issue on Drugs, Crime, & Goldstein’s Tripartite Framework]. Criminal Justice Review 40:1-2.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2014. A Sociological Theory of Drug Sales, Gifts, and Frauds. Crime & Delinquency 60:1057-1082.
Jacques, Scott, Richard Wright, and Andrea Allen. 2014. Drug Dealers, Retaliation, and Deterrence. International Journal of Drug Policy 25:656-662.
Jacques, Scott. 2014. The Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Criminology: A Theory of Ideas’ Importance, Attractiveness, and Publication. Theoretical Criminology 18:317-334.
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. 2014. Police Officers’ Theories of Crime. American Journal of Criminal Justice 39:206-227.
Jacques, Scott, Andrea Allen, and Richard Wright. 2014. Drug Dealers’ Rational Choices on Which Customers to Rip-Off. International Journal of Drug Policy 25:251-256.
Jacques, Scott, and Andrea Allen. 2014. Bentham’s Sanction Typology and Restrictive Deterrence: A Study of Young, Suburban, Middle-Class Drug Dealers. Journal of Drug Issues 44:212-230.
Lindegaard, Marie Rosenkrantz, and Scott Jacques. 2014. Agency as a Cause of Crime. Deviant Behavior 35:85-100.
Bernasco, Wim, Marie Rosenkrantz, and Scott Jacques. 2013. Overvallen vanuit daderperspectief: Situationele aspecten van gewelddadige, niet-gewelddadige en afgeblazen overvallen (Offenders’ Perspectives on Robberies: Situational Aspects of Violent, Non-Physical, and Aborted Robberies). Politiewetenschap nr. 69. Apeldoorn, NL: Politie & Wetenschap.
Lindegaard, Marie Rosenkrantz, Wim Bernasco, Scott Jacques, and Babet Zevenbergen. 2013. Posterior Gains and Immediate Pains: Offender Emotions Before, During and After Robberies. Chapter 4 in Affect & Cognition in Criminal Decision Making, eds. Jean-Louis van Gelder, Henk Elffers, Daniel Nagin, and Danielle Reynald. New York: Routledge.
Jacques, Scott, and Wim Bernasco. 2013. Drug Dealing: Amsterdam’s Red Light District. Chapter 7 in Cognition and Crime: Offender Decision Making and Script Analyses, eds. Richard Wortley and Benoit Leclerc. London, UK: Routledge.
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. 2013. Policing Alcohol-Related Crime among College Students. Chapter 15 in Campus Crime: Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives, 3rd ed., eds. Bonnie S. Fisher and John J. Sloan. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publisher.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2013. The Code of the Suburb and Drug Dealing. Chapter 20 in Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory, eds. Francis Cullen and Pamela Wilcox. New York: Oxford University Press.
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. 2013. Alcohol-Related Crime among College Students: A Review of Research and Fruitful Areas for Future Work. Criminal Justice Studies 26:478-494.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2013. How Victimized Drug Traders Mobilize Police. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 42:545-575.
Jacques, Scott, and Callie Rennison. 2013. Reflexive Retaliation for Violent Victimization: The Effect of Social Distance on Weapon Lethality. Violence & Victims 28:69-89.
Jacques, Scott, and Callie Rennison. 2013. Social Distance and Immediate Informal Responses to Violent Victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28:733-753.
Jacques, Scott, and Danielle Reynald. 2012. The Offenders’ Perspective on Prevention: Guarding Against Victimization and Law Enforcement. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency 49:269-294.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2012. Ironies of Crime, Control, and Criminology. Critical Criminology 20:153-167.
Bennett, Trevor, Scott Jacques, and Richard Wright. 2011. The Emergence and Evolution of Drug User Groups in the UK. Addiction Research & Theory 19:556-565.
Jacques, Scott, Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, and Jean-Louis van Gelder. 2011. Foreign Fieldworkers and Native Participants: A Theory of Method. Victims & Offenders 6:246-259.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2011. Informal Control and Illicit Drug Trade. Criminology 49:726-765.
Rennison, Callie, Scott Jacques, and Mark Berg. 2010. Weapon Lethality and Social Distance: A National Test of a Social Structural Theory. Justice Quarterly 28:576-605.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2010. Dangerous Intimacy: Toward a Theory of Violent Victimization in Active Offender Research. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 21:503-525.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2010. Criminology as Social Control: Discriminatory Research and Its Role in the Reproduction of Social Inequalities. Crime, Law, & Social Change 53:383-396.
Jacques, Scott. 2010. The Necessary Conditions for Retaliation: Toward a Theory of Non-Violent and Violent Forms in Drug Markets. Justice Quarterly 27:186-205.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2010. Right or Wrong? Toward a Theory of IRBs’ (Dis)Approval of Research. Journal of Criminal Justice Education 21:42-59.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2010. Apprehending Criminals: The Impact of Law on Offender-Based Research. Chapter 3 in Offenders on Offending: Learning About Crime from Criminals, ed. Wim Bernasco. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2010. Drug Law and Violent Retaliation. Chapter 11 in Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work, 2nd ed., eds. Hugh Barlow and Scott Decker. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Jacques, Scott. 2009. 25 Years of ‘Crime as Social Control.’ Pp. 311-317 in Criminology Theory: Readings and Retrospectives, eds. Heith Copes and Volkan Topalli. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2008. The Victimization—Termination Link. Criminology 46:1009-1038.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2008. Intimacy with Outlaws: The Role of Relational Distance in Recruiting, Paying, and Interviewing Underworld Research Participants. Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency 45:22–38.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2008. The Relevance of Peace to Studies of Drug Market Violence. Criminology 46:221–253.
Jacques, Scott. 2022. 5 Things with Scott Jacques, director of Criminology Open: On NFTs and Crime. 5 Things To Think About.
Jacques, Scott, and Eric Piza. 2022. The Irony of Paywalled Articles Is They Can Be Made Open Access for Free: What It Means for ACJS Journals. ACJS Today.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2015. The War on Some Drug Dealers. ACJS Today XL 40(5):1, 5-6, 8-9.
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. 2015. Inside the World of Suburban Drug Dealing. The Conversation. (Rerun in Time and The New Republic.)
Jacques, Scott. 2015. Social Control in the Streets and the Suburbs: Understanding the “Code of the Suburb.” Anthropoliteia, Tip of the Cap.
Jacques, Scott. 2012. Review of Moral Time by Donald Black. International Criminal Justice Review 22(2):216-218.
Jacques, Scott. 2010. Women in burqas [and robbery]. International Herald Tribune (Global Edition of the New York Times), May 7, page 7.
Jacques, Scott. 2008. Unfair statistics take the bloom off St. Louis (Correspondence). Nature 452(27 March):409.
Jacques, Scott. 2008. Review of How Drug Dealers Settle Disputes: Violent and Nonviolent Outcomes by Angela P. Taylor. Criminal Justice Review 33(4):577–578.
Gravel, Jason, Eden Kamar, Talia LaSane, Scott Jacques, and David Maimon. The state of gun markets on encrypted markets: A descriptive analysis of the volume, price, and distribution methods. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, 2023.
Dugan, Laura, Eric Piza, Gaylene Armstrong, Justin Nix, David Buil-Gil, and Scott Jacques. Green Open Access Webinar. Scientific Integrity Committee, American Society of Criminology (virtually), 2023. (Invited panelist.)
Jacques, Scott. Deterrence and Proterrence in Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. International Center of Comparative Criminology, Canada (virtually), 2021. (By invitation.) [Published as Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops (UCL Press)].
Jacques, Scott. Deterrence and Proterrence in Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops. Bentham Seminars. Bentham Project, University College London, London, UK (virtually), 2020. (By invitation.) [Published as Grey Area: Regulating Amsterdam’s Coffeeshops (UCL Press)].
Ouellet, Marie, Scott Jacques, and David Maimon. The Spread (and Suppression) of Cheating in an Online Network Experiment. Illicit Networks Workshop, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
Dickinson, Timothy, and Jacques, Scott. Drugs, Identities, and Neutralizations. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, 2018. [Published as “Drug Sellers’ Neutralizations of Guiltless Drug Sales and Avoidance of ‘Drug Dealer’ Identities” in International Journal of Drug Policy.]
Jacques, Scott. Criminal Ethics. Chief of Naval Operation’s Strategic Studies Group, Naval War College, Newport, RI, 2015. (By invitation.)
Allen, Andrea, and Scott Jacques. Types of Drug Market Conflict: Criminal, Would-Be Criminal, and Non-Criminal Victimization. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, 2014.
Jacques, Scott. Criminals’ Tattoos: Atavism, Attraction, or Association? Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Honolulu, HI, 2014. [Published as “What Criminals’ Tattoos Symbolize: Drawing on Darwin, Durkheim and Lombroso” in Deviant Behavior.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. Onset and Termination of Drug Dealing: Similarities and Differences between Middle-Class Suburbanites and Lower-Class Urbanites. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, 2013. [Published as “The Bigger Picture” in Code of the Suburb: Inside the World of Young Middle-Class Drug Dealers (University of Chicago Press)].
Bernasco, Wim, Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard, and Scott Jacques. Why Offenders Abort from Committing Anticipated Robberies. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, 2013.
Jacques, Scott. Restrictive Deterrence and Bentham’s 5 Sanctions: A Study of Young Suburban Drug Dealers and Users. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL 2012. [Substantially revised version published as “Bentham’s Sanction Typology and Restrictive Deterrence: A Study of Young, Suburban, Middle-Class Drug Dealers” in Journal of Drug Issues.]
Rosenfeld, Richard, Scott Jacques, Richard Wright, Danielle M. Reynald, and Frank van Gemert. Victimization and Social Control in Amsterdam Cafés and Coffeeshops. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL 2012. [Published as “The Effects of Prohibition and Decriminalization on Drug Market Conflict: Comparing Street Dealers, Coffeeshops, and Cafés in Amsterdam” in Criminology & Public Policy.]
Jacques, Scott. The Drugs/Love Nexus: A Tripartite Conceptual Framework. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, 2011. [Published as “Bentham, Not Epicurus: The Relevance of Pleasure to Studies of Drug-Involved Pain” in Journal of Drug Issues.]
Wright, Richard, Volkan Topalli, and Scott Jacques. Active Offender Research: History, Practice, and Prospects. Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, 2011. (By invitation.)
Wright, Richard, Volkan Topalli, and Scott Jacques. Crime in Motion: Predation, Retaliation and the Spread of Urban Violence. Conference on Retaliation, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Germany, 2011. (By invitation.) [Published in On Retaliation: Toward an Interdisciplinary Understanding of a Basic Human Condition.] Also presented as the Keynote Address at the North/South Irish Criminology Conference, University College Dublin, 2012. (By invitation.)
Jacques, Scott, Richard Rosenfeld, Richard Wright, and Frank van Gemert. Victimization and Social Control in Amsterdam Drug Markets. Annual Meeting of the British Sociological Association, London, UK, 2011. [Published as “The Effects of Prohibition and Decriminalization on Drug Market Conflict: Comparing Street Dealers, Coffeeshops, and Cafés in Amsterdam” in Criminology & Public Policy]
Jacques, Scott. Balancing the Scale: How the Law “Should” and “Does” React to Drug Market Conflict. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, 2010. [Published as “How Victimized Drug Traders Mobilize Police” in Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.]
Jacques, Scott, and Danielle Reynald. The Offender’s Perspective on Guardianship: Preventing Victimization and Social Control. Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 2010. [Published as “The Offenders’ Perspective on Prevention: Guarding Against Victimization and Law Enforcement” in The Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency.]
Jacques, Scott. Code of the Suburb: Avoidance and Toleration as Responses to Drug Market Conflict. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, 2009. [Substantially revised version published as “Hitting Back?” in Code of the Suburb: Inside the World of Young Middle-Class Drug Dealers (University of Chicago Press)].
Jacques, Scott. Right or Wrong? The Effect of Social Status on the Ethics and Quantity of Research. Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement as part of their Brown Bag Lecture Series, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2009. (By invitation) [Published as “Right or Wrong? Toward a Theory of IRBs’ (Dis)Approval of Research” in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. The Victimization—Termination Link. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, MO, 2008. [Published in Criminology.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. Apprehending Criminals: The Impact of Law on Offender-Based Research. Workshop on “Offenders on Offending: How Do We Learn from Criminals about Criminal Choices?” The Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2008. (By invitation) [Published in Offenders on Offending: Learning About Crime from Criminals.]
Wright, Richard, and Scott Jacques. The Interplay of Drug Law, Informal Social Control, and Illicit Drug Trade. Workshop on “Understanding and Controlling the Demand for Illegal Drugs”, Committee on Law and Justice, National Research Council, Irvine, CA, 2007. (By invitation) [Substantially revised version published as “Informal Control and Illicit Drug Trade” in Criminology.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. The Relevance of Peace to Studies of Drug Market Violence. British Society of Criminology Conference, London, UK, 2007. [Published in Criminology.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. The Interplay of Law and Violence in Drug-Related Conflict. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA, 2006. [Published as “Drug Law and Violent Retaliation” in Criminology and Public Policy: Putting Theory to Work, 2nd ed.]
Jacques, Scott, and Richard Wright. The Costs and Benefits of Social Distance and Status in Illicit Drug Sales. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, 2006. [Published as “A Sociological Theory of Drug Sales, Gifts, and Frauds” in Crime & Delinquency.]
Jacques, Scott. The Management of Predation among Young, Middle Class Drug Dealers. Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, NC, 2005.
“CrimRxiv – The global open access hub for criminology.”2 University of Manchester Library, Open Research Accelerator Fund (September, 2023–July, 2025). Project Leads: David Buil-Gil, Judith Aldridge, Scott Jacques, Eon Kim, Scott Taylor, Bill Ayres, Lukas Hughes-Noehrer, and Reka Solymosi (£20,000).
“The Next Battlefield: Illicit Markets Hosted on Encrypted Communication Platforms.” Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis: A DHS Center of Excellence (July, 2023–June, 2024). Project leads: David Maimon, Scott Jacques, Yubao Wu ($428,663).
“A proposal to save GSU students $1,000,000< on learning materials (by 2026) to increase their academic success and reduce their financial stress: A Plan to Automate the ‘Wallace Method’ and implement it across the university.” Georgia State University Foundation Trustees (February, 2023–July, 2025). Project lead: Scott Jacques, on behalf of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies ($20,000).
“Prototyping a Regional PIT Faculty Fellows Program.” Public Interest Technology University Network Challenge Fund (September, 2019–December, 2020). Project leads: Ellen Zegura, Scott Jacques, and Susan Snyder ($179,751).
“Transformation of Four Required Criminal Justice and Criminology Courses to No-Cost.” Textbook Transformation Grant, Affordable Learning Georgia (October, 2019–December, 2020). Project leads: Scott Jacques, Dean Dabney, Leah Daigle, Josh Hinkle, Natasha Johnson, and Marie Ouellet ($30,000).
“No-Cost-to-Students Learning Materials for Criminology.” Textbook Transformation Grant, Affordable Learning Georgia (May, 2017–August, 2018). Project leads: Scott Jacques and Andrea Allen ($10,800).
“No-Cost-to-Students Learning Materials for Introduction to Criminal Justice.” Textbook Transformation Grant, Affordable Learning Georgia (January, 2016–December, 2017). Project leads: Jason Davis, Andrea Allen, and Scott Jacques ($15,800).
“No-Cost-to-Students Learning Materials for Social Science Research Methods.” Textbook Transformation Grant, Affordable Learning Georgia (October, 2015–May, 2017). Project leads: Andrea Allen and Scott Jacques ($10,800).
“Shoplifters: ‘Moments of Truth’”. Procter & Gamble (May, 2011–June, 2012). Principal investigators: Bonnie Fisher and Scott Jacques ($156,882).
“Situationele aspecten van overvallen: Een matched case-control benadering” (“Situational Aspects of Robbery: A Matched Case-Control Approach”). Nederlandse Politieacademie; Politie & Wetenschap Program (Dutch Police Academy; Police and Science Program) (June, 2012–October, 2013). Principal investigators: Wim Bernasco, Marie Lindegaard, and Scott Jacques (€82,418).
“Smart Policing: Evidence-Based Law Enforcement Initiative.” U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (October 1, 2010–September 30, 2012). Principal Investigator: John Eck ($137,023). Personal role: Faculty Consultant.
“The Influence of Respectability on Predation and Social Control [among Drug Dealers in Amsterdam].” University of Missouri System Research Board (July 1, 2008–June 30, 2010). Principal Investigators: Richard Wright, Richard Rosenfeld, and Scott Jacques ($12,420).
“The Influence of Respectability on Predation and Social Control [among Drug Dealers in Amsterdam].” National Science Foundation; Division of Social and Economic Sciences, Law and Social Sciences Program (July 1, 2008–June 30, 2010). Principal Investigators: Richard Wright and Richard Rosenfeld ($180,943). Personal role: Proposal writer and field investigator.
“A Comparative Study of Middle- and Lower-Class Drug Dealers.” University of Missouri – St. Louis Research Committee (May 14, 2006–May 13, 2007). Principal Investigators: Richard Wright and Scott Jacques ($11,250).
Corrections, undergraduate-level
Crime across Communities, Individuals, and Situations, undergraduate-level (Honors)
Criminological Theory, undergraduate-level
Digital Crime Problem, undergraduate-level
Drugs and Crime, graduate-level
Drugs, Crime, and Criminal Justice, undergraduate-level
Drugs, Crime, and Policing, undergraduate-level
Introduction to Criminal Justice, undergraduate-level
Open Criminology, undergraduate-level
Qualitative Research Methods, graduate-level
Research Methods in Criminal Justice, undergraduate-level
Social Science and the American Crime Problem, undergraduate-level
Advanced Research Methods, graduate-level
Drugs and Crime, graduate- and undergraduate-level
Introduction to Science (special topic course), undergraduate-level
Editor, International Criminal Justice Review (2015–2022), Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology (2020–2022)
Editorial Board, Criminal Justice Review (2011–present), Criminal Justice Studies (2013–present), International Journal of Drug Policy (2018–present)
Assistant Editor (2010–2012), Assistant to the Editor (2008–2010), British Journal of Sociology
Criminology Hub Editor and Community Leader, ResearchHub (2022)
Guest Editor, Criminal Justice Review, Special issue entitled Drugs, Crime, & Goldstein’s Tripartite Framework
Advisory Editor, Oxford Bibliographies Online – Criminology, Oxford University Press: Active Offender Research; Criminal Retaliation; Drugs & Crime (with Richard Wright); Property Crime (with Richard Wright); Street Robbery (with Richard Wright)
3British Journal of Sociology; Crime & Delinquency; Crime Science; Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health; Criminal Justice & Behavior; Criminal Justice Review; Criminal Justice Studies; Criminology; Criminology & Criminal Justice; Deviant Behavior; Drug & Alcohol Dependence; Drugs & Alcohol Today; Ethnography; European Journal of Criminology; European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research; Feminist Criminology; International Criminal Justice Review; International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy; International Journal of Drug Policy; International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology; Journal of Bentham Studies; Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice; Journal of Contemporary Ethnography; Journal of Criminal Justice; Journal of Criminal Justice Education; Journal of Crime and Justice; Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology; Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology; Journal of Drug Issues; Journal of Drug Policy Analysis; Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology; Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology; Journal of Quantitative Criminology; Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services; Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency; Journal of the Royal Statistical Society; Justice Quarterly; Lynne Rienner Press; Methodological Innovations; Oxford University Press; Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making; Routledge; Rutgers University Press; Security Journal; Social Networks; Social Problems; Sociological Focus; Sociological Forum; Sociological Quarterly; Theory & Society; University of California Press; University of Chicago Press; Velux Foundation; Victims & Offenders; Violence & Victims; Western Criminology Review; Wiley-Blackwell
Chair, “Advances in Qualitative Methods” subarea, 2013 and 2024 Annual Meetings
Member, “Publications Committee” (2020–2024)
Member, International Division’s “Membership Committee” (2020–2021)
Chair, “Drug Abuse” subarea, 2012 Annual Meeting
Executive Board (2020–2022)
Member, Awards and Scholarships Committee (2023–present)
Member, Bylaws Committee (2013–2014, 2018–2020, 2022–present)
Member, 3rd year review committee of [redacted] (2023)
Creator and Coordinator of guest speaker series, “Non-Criminologists” Talk Crime and Control (2018–2020)
Member, Graduate Program Committee (2015–2017)
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee (2015–2016)
Member, representative on Administrator Evaluation for the Vice President of [redacted] (2024–2025)
Member, representative on Administrator Evaluation for the Dean of [redacted] (2023–2024)
Director, AYS Open (2019–2022)
Chair, Ad Hoc AYS Open “Data+More” Committee (2020–2021)
Chair, Ad Hoc AYS Open Access Policy Committee (2019–2021)
Member, Academic Programs Committee (2018–2020)
Member, Digital World Initiative Team 3 (2019)
Member, Online Instruction Committee (2018–2020)
Member, Faculty Appeals Committee (2018–2020)
Member, Academic Discipline Committee (2015–2017)
Member, Tech Fee Review Committee (2014)
Judge, Public Service and Research End Event (2013, 2014)
Reviewer, Undergraduate Research Conference (2014–2017, 2020)
Interviewer, Presidential Scholarship Selection Committee (2017)
Affordable Learning Georgia Faculty Champion (2020–present)
Member, Senate (2018–2020)
Member, Senate Library Committee (2018–2020), Chair (2019–2020)
Member, Senate Budget Committee (2019–2020)
Judge, GSU Student Book Collecting Contest (2020)
Member, Senate Student Discipline Committee (2018–2019)
Department Coordinator, State Charitable Contribution Program (2012, 2013)
Member, Masters Proficiency Exam Committee (2011–2012)
Member, Speakers Committee (2011–2012)
Creator and Coordinator, Undergraduate Research Program in Criminal Justice (2010–2012)
Member, PhD Comprehensive Exam Committee (2010–2012)
Member, RPT Committee (2010–2012)
Digital Champion Fellowship, Center for Instructional Innovation, Georgia State University (2016)
AYSPS Dean’s Early Career Award (2013)
Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship, University of Missouri – St. Louis (2009–2010)
Outstanding Graduate Student, Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate School, University of Missouri – St. Louis (2008–2009)
Graduate School Doctoral Fellowship, University of Missouri – St. Louis (2005–2009)
British Society of Criminology Conference Postgraduate Bursary (2007)
Research Recognition Award, Department of Sociology, University of Georgia (2005)
Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) Summer Research Fellowship, University of Georgia (2005)
CURO Scholar, University of Georgia (2005)
Odum Award of the Southern Sociological Society for the best undergraduate student paper (2005): “The Management of Predation among Young, Middle Class Drug Dealers.”
HOPE Scholarship, State of Georgia (2002–2005)
Available on request
Last updated January 25, 2024