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Metaverse Society of Criminology

The Metaverse Society of Criminology is an experiment in institution-building for a future criminology.

Published onAug 03, 2023
Metaverse Society of Criminology

In the first quarter of 2023, I developed the Metaverse Society of Criminology (MSC). I started working on it as an experiment in institution-building for a future criminology: one that’s more diverse, equitable, and inclusive because it occurs in a virtual place that combines the benefits of distance-communication with in-person interaction. The MSC’s website, in the iFrame below, states the organization’s defining features, mission, and vision. I stopped working on the MSC because the return-on-investment (ROI) was too low relative to my other priorities. However, I would like to eventually restart the MSC. I have repurposed aspects of it for Utilitarian Learning & Science.

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